Searching for how to learn stenography or thinking of learning shorthand to become a stenographer?
GKWorld.co.IN brings free online stenography classes for all type of shorthand. We have qualified instructors to teach you हिन्दी शार्टहैण्ड (आशुलिपि) in ऋषि प्रणाली, मानक प्रणाली, विशिष्ट प्रणाली and English Shorthand from Pittman System. Learn Hindi Shorthand and get online 100 WPM, 80 WPM, 60 WPM English & English Steno dictations by SSC Stenographers Zone and prepare for SSC Stenographers Grade C & D Exam.
Learn Hindi Shorthand Basics in ऋषि प्रणाली
Lean Hindi Shorthand and Stenography in oldest, famous and widely used ऋषि प्रणाली. Our Experienced Instructors will bring everything to you in a very detailed manner. Our stenography course in hindi is way to get govt job.
Recommended Course Duration : 08 Months
Learn English Shorthand in Pittman System
Oldest yet most powerful as well as widely recognized Stenography system in English. Free online shorthand course with latest tips and tricks brought to you by SSC Stenographers’ Zone.
Recommended Course Duration : 12 Months.
SSC Steno, High Court Steno एवं CRPF ASI (Steno) skill tests के लिए मैटर के साथ हिन्दी शार्टहैण्ड डिक्टेशन . 60 WPM, 80 WPM, 100 WPM & 120 WPM की गति से निर्धारित मानकों पर बोले गये संसदीय हिन्दी स्टेनो डिक्टेशन। SSC Stenographers’ Zone यूट्यूब पर प्ले करके लिखें या MP3 डाउनलोड करें.
English Shorthand Dictations for SSC Stenographers’ Grade C & D Exam, High Court Steno/PA Exam, Intelligence Bureau Personal Assistant Exam, DSSB Steno. 80 WPM & 100 WPM English Shorthand parliamentary dictation from Kailash Chandra & Progressive Shorthand Magazines. Dictated by Experts at SSC Stenographers Zone at YouTube. MP3 Audio and Error Checking also available on Demand.
Improved outlines & Speedography Tips
Preparing for Parliamentary Reporter, UPSC Steno ‘B’ or SSC Steno Grade ‘C’, we have specially developed tips and outlines for you. Available in Hindi and English